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4th Ave Street Fair Brings Millions into Community Each Year

Biannual fair usually brings hundreds of thousands of people; vendors make a huge chunk of their income in that weekend alone.

Barber Applauds Mental Health Funding Expansion

Vice President Biden announced Tuesday an additional $100M for services, facilities; AZ Democrat advocate of mental health awareness to prevent gun violence.

UA-Led Research Team Finds New Planet

Gas giant discovered orbiting around star outside Earth's solar system; relatively young at 13 million years old.

Arizonan Pearl Harbor Survivor Remembers Tragedy

Lauren Bruner was a 21-year-old USS Arizona crew member when ship was bombed on Pearl Harbor.

Further Cuts to Food Stamps Worry Local Food Bank Officials

As part of Farm Bill, Senate wants to cut $4B from program's budget in next 10 years, while House wants $40B.

Program Brings K-12 Children to Mt. Lemmon for Science Learning

UA Science Sky School uses area as an outdoor classroom for intensive, hands-on science education.

AZ Week: State Strategizes to Improve Trade with Mexico

With $12 billion in trade, experts say Arizona needs more to take advantage of business opportunities.

AZ Week: Talks of AZ Water Crisis, Officials Search for Solutions

Existing supplies may not suffice in future; issues raised about where, how state will find more.

Bisbee's Warren Ballpark is Major Component of Town's History

Built in the early 1900s, stadium has housed minor league games, as well as relics of baseball’s bygone past, such as outlaw leagues, barnstorming games.

AZ's Rate of Uninsured Children Third Highest in US, Report Says

Georgetown University study found 13.2 percent of Arizona's kids don't have health coverage.

Migrant Detention Facility Cellblocks Freezing, Detainees Say

While detention cells aren't designed with comfort in mind, human rights groups, undocumented migrants say conditions inside some BP stations have become unsafe.

NPR: Congress Immigration Mandate Keeps Detention Beds Full

Little known about, enforced policy calls for filling 34,000 beds with immigrant detainees in about 250 facilities across country per day.

AZ Week: Problems, Debate Over Affordable Care Act

Four voices discuss political, economic, societal effects in the country, amid one controversy after the other.

New Study Shows Trade Relationships in North America

In honor of the 20th anniversary of NAFTA, Brookings' Institution released examination of international trade between region's 100 major metro areas.

33,000 Arizonans Applied So Far for Fed Health Exchange

US Dep. of Health says between Oct. 1, Nov. 2 about 17,000 people applied for plan, also sought coverage for families, totaling to 33,000 residents.

AZ Considers Another Large Scale Solar Power Plant

Proposed project, Maricopa County Park, would produce 300 megawatts of solar electricity, enough to power about 150,000 homes.

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