More University of Arizona Stories

AZ WEEK: Exploring Mars on Silver Screen, in UA Research

University of Arizona's connection to planetary science dates to dawn of Space Age.

Davis-Monthan and Tucson's Economy

The military base has been a major source of money in Tucson for nearly 75 years.

UA Students Make Tasty Treats in 'Solar Oven Throwdown'

Building solar cookers requires teamwork, design and construction.

UA Study: Drivers Exhibit Racial Bias Toward Pedestrians

'Implicit racism:' Motorists likely to stop quicker for white pedestrians than black.

"I Want to be My Authentic Self"

Transgender man in Tucson shares his story.

UA Study: Climate Change to Cause Drier Horn of Africa

Vulnerable area depends on rainfall for crop production

A Love for Egypt from Arizona

Decades-old group focuses on ancient Egypt and its architecture.

UA Raises Salaries for Group of Lowest-Paid Faculty Members

Full-time lecturer with Ph.D must work second job off campus.

Another Big Student Housing Structure Coming Near UA

Building joins complex west of campus, will have 104 apartments.

Oro Valley Will be Home Base for UA Veterinary School

Site has proximity to biosciences firms; will be first public facility of its kind in state.

'Strongest Evidence' Mars Has Water, UA Scientist, Others Say

UA's HiRISE imaging equipment captured information leading to conclusion.

University Eliminates 320 Jobs after $28M in State Funds Cut

44 actual layoffs among moves that reduce numbers of courses, cause class size increases.

Far East Meets Southwest During Chinese Culture Festival

UA's Confucius Institute guides Chinese knowlege to Tucson, via arts, culture, language.

UA President Hart Up for $25K Pay Raise, $115K Bonus

Board of Regents to vote Friday on compensation for all three state university presidents.

UA-Developed Device Aims to Speed Infection Diagnosis

System uses a smartphone to observe and measure sample

UA Student Survey: 1 in 5 Women Sexual Misdeed Victims

Officials say they participated in the survey to benchmark against peer institutions.

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