More Space Science Stories

Space Dust Dings OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft

Mission on target to encounter asteroid this year, return sample to Earth in 2023.

NASA Delays Telescope Launch Again

UA astronomer leads camera team that will look for early galaxies.

Scientists Want to Know: Can Table Salt Slow Global Warming?

Salt is superior to aluminum oxide to scatter heat-causing sunlight.

Heavy Rocket to Propel Chandler-Based Operation Into New Market

Private Orbital ATK moving into higher orbits, heavier satellites and, possibly, human missions.

Global Telescope Array Peering Into Space for 1st Glimpse of Black Hole

UA part of Event Horizon Telescope experiment, which would provide clues to universe's origins.

UA Focused on Project to Get First Images of Black Holes

National Science Foundation grant will help coordinate and compute data from telescopes.

It's a Bird! It's an Angel! No, It's Falcon Heavy!

Mars-bound rocket gives Southwest a sky spectacle.

Catch a Total Lunar Eclipse Early Wednesday Morning

Early in the morning, the eclipse will cover a super, blue moon.

Catalina Sky Survey Sets Record for Finding Asteroids

University of Arizona program bags 990 space rocks in 2017.

HiRISE Camera Reveals Ice Buried in Mars Cliffs

The UA instrument's find could be a boon for future human exploration.

Arizona and Sonora Look to Desert to Prepare for Space Missions

Researchers want to team up and return to the Sonoran Desert to mimic conditions on Mars.

A Night on Mount Lemmon Watching the Skies

Also on Arizona Spotlight: how Street Outreach is building trust with Tucson's homeless youth; and writer Lisa M. O'Neill shares an essay about the personal toll of sexual harassment.

UA Astronomer's Camera to Play Key Role in New Space Telescope

Infrared camera will search for first objects in the universe.

Made to Fail, Parachutes for NASA Capsule Pass Newest Test in Yuma

The capsule will eventually be used to bring astronauts safely back to Earth from deep-space exploration.

Southern Arizona 2017 Science Highlights

Busy year in astronomy and planetary science for Tucson space industry.

Geminid Meteor Shower To Light up the Sky

Find a dark place, dress warmly and look up Wednesday night.

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Space Science
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