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Arizona Reps Express Frustration At Budget Situation

As the federal government shutdown hits its fourth day lack of federal budget deal angers Barber, disgusts Kirkpatrick.

Shutdown: Parks Closed, D-M Civilians Furloughed

Essential services, including air traffic control, Border Patrol, other security forces, still working.

Govt Shutdown May Have Broad Impact in AZ

National parks likely first to feel effects; picture for other agencies, including military, not yet clear.

Another Republican Announces Candidacy for CD2 2014 Race

Ed Martin, talk-radio host, joins Martha McSally in GOP nominations for Congressional District 2's primary elections next year.

Grijalva, Fellow Congressman Introduce Immigration Bill

Border Caucus co-chairs aim to create new plan, saying it's time to move forward with reform.

AZ Won't Issue Licenses to Anyone Qualifying for Deferred Action

Change came after US District Court judge ruled in May that policy was likely 'discriminatory.'

Congressman Grijalva Wants New Immigration Reform Plan

Immigration bill has stalled in the US House; there are expectations that it will not be voted on this year.

FEMA Rejects AZ Appeal for Fed Assistance in Yarnell

'A declaration was reasonable, justified for nation's deadliest fire in 80 years,' Gov. Brewer says.

Lawsuit: AZ Medicaid Expansion Unconstitutional

Goldwater Institute files on behalf of 36 Republican state lawmakers, says tax to fund expansion violates AZ Constitution.

Grijalva Invites Congressional Border Caucus to Nogales

Ad hoc hearing on humanitarian, economic issues; tour of port of entry on agenda for Friday gathering.

Election Law Challengers File Their Petitions

If enough signatures are validated, GOP push for changes to early voting, other issues will be put on hold.

Marijuana Legalization Group Plans to Target AZ Next

Same organization that aided successful effort to legalize the drug in CO hopes to use same method here.

Petition Deadlines This Week for AZ Referendum Proposals

One would refer Medicaid expansion to 2014 ballot; others would refer school bond limit increase, election changes.

Tough Crowd at McCain's Town Halls in Phoenix, Tucson

AZ senator spoke Thurs about US intervention in Syria; crowd repeatedly disrupted him, some walked out.

AZ Delegation Members: One No, Others Undecided on Syria

Grijalva opposes military attack; other House members and Flake waiting; McCain gives qualified yes.

Scottsdale Legislator May Run for Secretary of State

GOP's Michele Reagan announces possibility of nomination for 2014 election cycle.

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