More People and Places Stories

Tales of Tucson: Legends of the Lost Loot

Colossal Cave is rumored to be the hiding place of a loot that was never recovered from a train robbery back in 1887.

A Mezcal's Clandestine Origin, Migration to Old Pueblo

This brand of smoky agave spirit has humble, law bending beginnings - from Oaxaca, Mexico to the colonial Guatemalan city of Antigua.

Tucsonans Step Up to Help Central American Women, Children

One volunteer calls it 'a moral imperative to help suffering humanity;' he, his partner, take in two for one night.

Christine Clark Holds Court at Basketball Camp for Girls

Before launching her professional career, 21-year-old Tucsonan returns home.

Found in Translation

Singer Jessica Fichot and her band explore world music's past and present to create new sounds that are distinctly her own.

10 Years Since Team of Young Immigrants Beat MIT in Competition

Doc depicts story of Phoenix high school students who won in an underwater robotic contest; 3 still undocumented.

Central American Women, Kids Still Arriving at Tucson Greyhound

Migrants dropped off by Border Patrol get aid from volunteers before riding bus to relatives in U.S.

Kids, Animals Bond at Humane Society's Dog Days in Desert Camp

Camp teaches responsible pet ownership, compassion

Summer Camp Fosters Inclusion, Understanding

Triangle Y is nestled on the north side of Catalinas; half of its counselors come from abroad.

AZ Week: Year Since Yarnell Fire, 'Support's Been Overwhelming'

Town slowly recovers from deaths of 19 firefighters, property destruction, hopes to see community thrive anew.

Tucson Second-Grader Wins National Braille Challenge

Ciara Peterson won first place in her category at 14th annual competition; 'It felt surprising,' she says.

"Dorothy Parker's Last Call"

Actress and writer Lesley Abrams explores the woman behind many sassy quotes in Live Theater Workshop production.


Though not recognized as a state holiday, Arizonans have celebrated an important date in the history of freedom for 44 consecutive years.

Archaeology, Adventures and Agaves

Tucson archaeologists are beginning new chapters after decades at the University of Arizona, reveal ancient culture's uses for tough native plant.

Abe of the Desert

This New York City native volunteers at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum to share his love of nature with others.

Fathers Day in a Two-Dad Family

Adam and Michael Lovallo share their lives and love with eleven-year-old son Martìn, and each offers perspective on why their unconventional family works.

Selected Archive Filters

People and Places
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