Also on Arizona Spotlight: Attorney General Sessions gives speech in Nogales; artist Lex Gjurasic stamps out reality; and Arizona's round-tailed ground squirrels get the attention they deserve.
Also, a legislative update; Adiba Nelson talks about motherhood challenges and the language of love; and Something Something Theatre presents 'Dov & Ali.'
Also on Arizona Spotlight: The American Friends Service Committee marks 100 years working for justice; Celebrating growth at the Mission Garden Project; and the US Poet Laureate Herrera visits a Tucson elementary school.
Also on Arizona Spotlight: The message of Mayor Rothschild's State of the City address; Odyssey Storytelling founder writes book; reviews of two films featured in Tucson Cine Mexico 2017.
Also on Arizona Spotlight: A traditional Chinese tale retold on "The Drum & The Story"; and Lisa Napoli on "Ray & Joan: The Man Who Made the McDonald's Fortune and the Woman Who Gave it All Away".
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