More Mexico Stories

Deportations Give Shape to Changing Border Demographics

Deportees finding themselves in country of birth, separated from country they call home.

Arizona's Sluggish-Port Reputation Hurting Cross-Border Trade

Some are trying to change that perception to attract companies.

Arizona Medical-Device Companies Search for Inroads to Mexican Market

Domestic production in Mexico was $15.5 billion two years ago.

UA-Sonora Partnership Targets Diabetes in Mexico

Economic prosperity is partially to blame for epidemic, says World Health Organization.

Consul: Canada-Arizona Ties Strong, As Is NAFTA Bargaining Power

Business-diplomat to Arizona says negotiation necessary, but repeal far-fetched.

Are Mexican Shoppers Buying More North of Border?

Mexican customs payments would indicate so, but US merchants say no.

Flake Asks Arizona to Speak Up in Support of NAFTA

The senator says the agreement brings millions into the state.

Trump Wants to Cut US Aid to Mexican Drug Cartel Fight

Budget proposal calls for cutting funding to Mexican policy, military almost in half.

Arizona, Sonora Officials Seek Better Transportation

Bilateral commission meeting this week will focus on improved air, rail service.

Trump Budget Includes San Luis Border Crossing Rebuild

Local officials are both surprised and excited about the $234M set aside for the port.

Arizona-Mexico Trade Comes in Education, Too

UA recruits to keep flow of graduate students, while Mexico needs tech help.

Mexico And Canada: NAFTA Changes Require 3-Nation Effort

Following trade official's announcement, Canada and Mexico emphasize trilateral agreement.

Former Sonoran Official and His Wife Arrested In Tucson

He has not been charged with a crime, but is wanted in Mexico on corruption charges.

Mexico Recognizes UA Professor for Research on Culture and History

William Beezley has published more than 20 books on the country.

NAFTA Renegotiation Could Come as Early as August

Trade official signals administration's intentions; Arizonans watching closely.

US and Mexico Promise Plan to Fight Drug Cartels

Officials say both countries are to blame for an opioid epidemic.

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