More Elections - Arizona Stories

Democrats Get Giddy About a Perennial Target: Arizona

Dems hoping to turn the state blue have lost every statewide election since 2008. They say this year could be different.

Teachers Who Led Strikes Now Turning Focus to Elections

Educator protests in states like Arizona have made education funding a major midterm campaign issue.

Arizona House Wants to Change Redistricting Panel

A proposed state constitutional amendment would expand the Independent Redistricting Commission.

How Social Media Could Give Underfunded Candidates a Boost

Also, a look at which groups donate the most to Arizona’s top gubernatorial candidates.

Bill Shielding Nonprofit Donor Info Headed to Ducey for Approval

The measure prohibits certain "dark money" information from going public.

Money and Politics: What Do the Donations Buy?

A small screenprinting business keeps afloat with orders from candidates and other political causes.

Money and Politics: How do Candidates Get the Fundraising Ball Rolling?

Two political insiders talk about how they start to build a candidate's coffers.

Money and Politics: Who Gives to Candidates and Why?

Thousands of people have donated to the campaigns of Arizona gubernatorial candidates. Hear from two big-dollar donors.

Money and Politics: Which Occupations Donate Most to Arizona Governor Candidates?

In campaign finance, CEOs and retirees are putting the most money into the gubernatorial race.

Proposal Would Double Arizona Lawmakers' Term Lengths

The representative sponsoring the measure says it would de-politicize the Legislature.

All-Mail Elections Boost Voter Turnout in Douglas, City Says

City elections see 8 percent boost in number of votes cast in last mayoral and council election.

McSally Makes it Official: She's Running for Senate

Long-rumored move from House to Senate race confirmed.

Ex-Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio Announces Senate Candidacy

He'll face Republican Kelli Ward; Martha McSally is also expected to enter the race.

Tucsonan Kelly Fryer Enters Governor Race

CEO of YWCA of Southern Arizona becomes 3rd Democrat seeking top AZ seat.

Website Tracks Political Donations, Candidate Spending

New state site aggregates campaign spending information.

Grijalva: Politicians Have a Responsibility to 'Right the Ship'

The Arizona Congressman says retirement is not in the near future.

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Elections - Arizona
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