More Elections - Pima County Stories

The Buzz: Latino voters are not a voting block

Plus, a check-in with elections officials as the midterm approaches.

Pima Supervisors approve election, question voting

The board wants an after-action report on voting changes

Smooth election, with a few bumps

Pima County will work on challenges from the primary election.

Pima County says ballot-counting video system improved

New software will provide a better video signal to viewers

Southern Arizona Vote Centers

Maps for locations of vote centers in Pima, Cochise, and Santa Cruz Counties.

Tucson voters to decide on keeping sales tax for roads

Proposition 411 would continue an existing sales tax in place for ten years, raising an estimated $740 million to improve roads, bike paths and more.

Pima Officials want to modernize county election system

Voting centers and tablets could replace precincts and voter printouts

Voter intimidation effort reported in Yavapai County

No one has to reveal how they voted

Report examines jail-based voting in Arizona

The report looks into what counties had the best jail-based voting procedures in the November 2020 election.

Three Pima supervisors bow out

Miller, Valadez and Villegas are being replaced.

Here's how the 2020 Pima County sheriff's race differed from 2016

Democrat Nanos flipped several precincts and chipped away at Republican Napier's margins in some conservative-leaning areas.

See how Pima County voted on Arizona ballot initiatives

County voters showed strong support for both Prop. 207 and Prop. 208, but margins didn't parallel state voting.

Journalists roundtable: 2020 election in Pima County

Democratic victories in key races extended their reach in the county.

Pima County sheriff says race not over

Sheriff Mark Napier said Friday it was too early to concede the race. Challenger Chris Nanos declared victory Wednesday night.

Arizona, Pima County continue ballot count Thursday

Pima County prepared to continue counting early ballots Thursday morning. 450K to go statewide, according to AP.

Day-after election ballot counting continues in Pima County and Arizona

The Associated Press declared Arizona had gone for Biden, but others said that call was premature.

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Elections - Pima County
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