More Coronavirus Stories

COVID transmission rates drop in southern Arizona

The CDC has lowered the transmission level in most of the state.

ACLU says immigrants in ICE detention being denied boosters

A lawsuit filed by the ACLU alleges medically vulnerable people who are detained do not have access to COVID-19 boosters.

Arizona health agency reduces frequency of pandemic updates

The state announced it would switch to weekly updates because the outbreak is slowing and to be consistent with other infectious disease that are reported.

Most of Southern Arizona still must wear masks

The CDC has changed the guidance for when people need to wear masks.

Robbins urges students to test before, after Spring break

COVID-19 cases fall to new lows on campus.

Arizona will stop daily COVID updates

State health officials will soon go from releasing new COVID-19 statistics every day to every week.

Arizona hospitals still crowded despite fewer COVID patients

COVID-19 patients still account for about 70% of emergency room usage.

Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic

This week, The Buzz examines what researchers and others in Arizona have learned in the years since the first cases emerged.

Veterans benefit from American Rescue Plan Act funds

A new report breaks down how the legislation helped veteran families weather the last year.

Medical team going to Sierra Vista to battle COVID-19 surge

Arizona authorities requested the federal help to respond to a rise of COVID-19 hospitalizations in the Sierra Vista area.

COVID infections closing some urgent care centers

Banner urges telehealth options as an alternative.

University of Arizona officials sticking with in-person classes

University testing shows a COVID positivity rate of close to 11%.

Grijalva announces 2nd COVID-19 infection

The chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee said Thursday he has minor symptoms.

University of Arizona students adjust to new school mask requirements

The January change in school policy requires UA students to ditch cloth masks in favor of higher-grade alternatives

Pima County adds testing site to meet surge

Board of supervisors also okays 5-year test supply.

Treasury: Arizona risks relief funds over anti-mandate rules

At issue are two state programs that are meant to help schools and students but that direct funding away from jurisdictions with mask requirements.

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