More Border Stories

Arizona border activist acquitted of harboring immigrants

The jury deliberated for just hours in the second trial for Scott Warren, which followed a mistrial in June.

USDA implementing restrictions to prevent tomato virus introduction to US

The disease does not pose any risk to people or animals, an industry leader said.

Yaqui, O'odham history and sovereignty in the borderlands

Federal recognition can be a complicated subject for Indigenous people whose land spans political borders.

Hundreds protest border wall construction through national monument

The crowd said they were there to protest wall construction as well as treatment of Indigenous sites and the environment.

Second trial to begin for Scott Warren, activist accused of harboring immigrants

Warren says he was a performing a humanitarian mission to help migrants in need.

How the FBI investigates corruption at the border

A discussion with special agent Adam Radtke.

Aiding migrants in Sonora, cartel violence, investigating corruption

Plus, we learn more about the discovery of a mass grave on the outskirts of Rocky Point.

Border wall construction continues across sensitive lands in Arizona

Contractors are working on new border wall east of Douglas, which will cross the San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge.

Border Patrol finds tunnel in Nogales

More than 100 tunnels that have been found in the Tucson Sector since 1990.

Researchers calculate what an immigration arrest costs a family

Out-of-pocket expenses and future earning losses could total more than $24,000.

Sandra Cisneros on being an "extroverted introvert."

Also on Arizona Spotlight: How the Prison Education Project offers inmates a chance to learn about the universe.

Some border drug screening devices can't detect low purity fentanyl

The gadgets, which cost $26 million, can't pick up the drug if the purity is less than 10%, a report says.

"Everyone has a coming-of-gender story." - Jacob Tobia

Also on Arizona Spotlight: Tucson Modernism Week honors the legacy of architect Judith Chafee; and three films that expose realities of the immigrant experience.

Douglas is turning to tourism for an economic boost

The city is conducting tours twice a month in the community.

Border apprehensions drop as immigration crackdown continues

Numbers traditionally decline in hot months and rebound when weather cools, though officials say enforcement strategies have led to results.

Border Patrol agent dies during search in remote area

The FBI is leading the investigation into the agent's death south of Patagonia.

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